Nashville Exotic Pet Club
Nashville Exotic Pet Club was formerly the Middle Tennessee Cage Bird Club. We are no longer focused just on birds but have expanded to include all exotic pets. We are striving to further the education of our members by the exchange of knowledge, information, and experiences relative to all exotic pets. We invite all exotic pet lovers and owners to join us online and at our monthly meetings the thirds Sunday of each month. Please see our Facebook Page for updates on Times, Speakers, Location & Changes or Cancelations.
The club was started in 1982 an we are currently rebuilding our club structure. If you or anyone you know has gifts to share as we rebuild the club activities, speakers, events, excursions, or ideas, Please contact our New President Mr. Brendan through the Contact us Link. Our normal meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Please see our Facebook Page for updates on Times, Speakers, Location & Changes or Cancelations.
2019 Annual Dues: Individual memberships are $10 and Family memberships are $20 and are renewed each year in the end of January.